America is the birthplace of cults
Oh America, you birthplace of cults!
Ever since you were born, you’ve been the birthplace of cults:
From Smith to Jones to Taze to Manson to LRon to Applewhite to Koresh, to Kenneth, Benny and Joel;
Some big, some small, aren’t you at all, at least a little bit tired; of all we see of this insanity? Isn’t the world?
Why are you repeatedly seduced by the Trinity of free expression, religious protection, and worsening education:
Who keep impregnating you, Sweet America, with amalgam cults the world doesn’t need, nor can afford?
Poor Elderly America, will you one day have nothing left to offer the world but religions, selling then like cheap trinkets from a desperate carnivalwoman, unwanted by all but children and fools.
Oh, sad, broken, ancient, and primitive America: last among nations to surrender religion, you watch dust from the rockets that your fellow nations ride to the stars.